Steven (6 out of 10 ) This screenplay is so much better than the movie it spawned. Worth reading on its own merits and imagining how you'd have shot/cast it better. It's not too often a script can sidestep its own inevitability (we all know what happens to Anne Boleyn) and retain dramatic tension. As a read, it's not perfect, but it's definitely engaging.
scott (10 out of 10 ) This movie was pretty good, but like all historical films, they change some dates. But either way, I loved this movie, and I think it was kind of a page turner, because one minute I liked Mary, the next, I hated her and I liked Anne, and it kept changing like that, ultimately I think that this movie was better than many others about this period of history.
Steven (6 out of 10 ) Historical inaccuracies (which I think we all pretty much take as given these days) aside, this wasn't a bad script. The characters were very distinct and certainly sympathetic, both getting the chance by turns to display their noble as well as flawed sides. No one's a saint here, but no one's purely villainous either. I get the impression that if the broad strokes of this were applied to a story with no pretensions of being "historical" you'd have a much more critically acceptable movie. But since history's being messed with, it opens itself up to the nit-pickery of "it didn't happen that way." It's too bad.
Kayla (7 out of 10 ) The book was better than the movie by far, though I fell in love with the movie as I did with the book. I loved Anne in both book and movie, and in both she was portrayed as a mean, vicious woman, which I believe she probably was. Ambitions can certainly mess up a person's view on life, especially when one's ambitions cause the person to break apart a perfectly good marriage.
Anyway, the movie was great. The script was great. The book was great. I loved it all.
ronald (10 out of 10 ) I love the movie. Every character is greatly and powerfully portrayed by the casts most especially natalie portman. She deserves to have a big round of applause. She managed to become a character that would always remind us of her. Ann boleyn is indeed ambitious, and what happened to her should be a lesson to all. Ambition will noe and will never destroy someone if you will not let it take tha whole you. As what elizabeth said: "when was it that people stopped thinking of ambition as a sin and started thinking over it as a virtue?" nice quoation. Love it.